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Parsnips on a chopping boardIngredients

4 parsnips, peeled and cubed
either a can of chick peas or the same amount of dried chick peas once soaked and cooked
60ml / 2 fl oz of olive oil
1.5 teaspoons of ground cumin
.5 teaspoon ground coriander
.75 teaspoon salt
3 large garlic cloves, chopped or minced
6 tbsp tahini (sesame seeds paste)
juice of half a lemon
70ml / 2.5 fl oz chick pea water

Preparation time: 20 - 25 mins

Cook the parsnips and drain; fry the cumin and coriander with 1 tbsp of olive oil and add to the parsnips. Put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor, put in some of the water and blitz; if the mixture starts to stick or looks too thick add more water and belnd again, repeat until you have the consitency you desire. Leave to cool

It comes out sightly more solid than straight chick pea hummus but it is made in exactly the same way. The quantities here are for 4-6 starter portions